Nestled between the Livenza and Tagliamento Rivers, where the provinces of Venice, Pordenone and Treviso join their own characteristics, the D.O.C – Authenticated Origin –wine area of Lison Pramaggiore and Venice, rises and it is here that our company excels. Our vineyard’s soil is particularly tenacious because of the presence of calcareous clay, rich in shallow carbonate.
Savian’s estate spreads over the twenty-eight hectares, all cultivated with Organic Farming methods. Thanks to an ideal climate, their fine wines thrive with reds like: Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Refosco of the Red Peduncle to white’s: Pinot Grigio, Verduzzo, Lison Classico, Chardonnay and Riesling Renano.
Savian’s treats their wines like children and through them they try to tell a story; their children travel all around the
world, telling the story of Savian’s values, work and passion infused into the soil.